Package Travel Regulations

The New Package Travel Regulations – July 1st 2018

July 2nd 2018
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The New Package Travel Regulations – July 1st 2018

As of July 1st 2018, the government’s interpretation of the EU Package Travel Directive is live and in force. The New Package Travel Regulations will result in a further 10 million consumers per annum being protected.

The old Package Travel Regulations left a large gap in consumer protection due to consumer preference moving towards booking online. Unbeknown to many consumers, half of the holidays were not protected due to loopholes in the old Package Travel Regulations.

In 2016 76% of consumers booked online and this increased to 83% of bookings being taken online in 2018.

The Major Changes to The Package Travel Regulations Will Include:

  • Online sites that offer the facility for clients to book all elements individually, even if offered by third parties, will be considered a package
  • Modern booking models and methods such as mobile and online will be covered by the definition of package holidays.
  • Consumers who book holidays online will have the same rights as those who book on the high street or with a traditional travel agent.
  • Flight-Plus will no longer exist
  • Travel professionals and operators have to go the extra mile to provide more clear and concise information and fully explain the rights to refund.
  •  A trust account must be independent but now can run alongside an insurance policy.

For the exhaustive changes and definitions of the new PTRs please read the following – Package Travel Regulations 2018

Business minister Andrew Griffiths recently said in Travel Weekly: “Britain is a nation of travellers and we each put aside around £23.10 per week to go towards package holidays. Given that commitment, when we are booking holidays it is reasonable for all of us to expect that if something goes wrong we are protected financially.

“The measures that come into effect today will ensure holidaymakers are properly compensated if things do go wrong, removing the risks for consumers and building on our long, proud history of high standards when it comes to travel protections.”

Travel litigation specialist Joanne Brine of JMW Solicitors told the BBC: “Should anything happen while you’re on holiday – such as an accident or injury on hotel property – subsequent claims will be more straightforward to deal with, since the operator you booked with will hold liability if travel services aren’t provided with reasonable skill and care.

“Plus, if an operator goes bust, you’re guaranteed to receive a full refund or, if you’re already abroad, to be brought home.

“Added legal protection also gives the right to help if weather conditions or industrial action hamper your plans.”

Some areas may seem confusing and we understand, so we’ve written a guide to the Package Travel Regulations which you may find useful. For complimentary advice or questions concerning the new package travel regulations do give the PTS team a call and we would be more than happy to help. 02027 190 9988 or email