Package Travel Regulations Travel Trust Accounts

Your New Trust Account Solution For PTR Compliance

July 25th 2024
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It is key for all UK travel businesses to have complete PTR compliance. Whether this is all new to you, or you’ve been trading for years, PTRs are at the core of your business. For this exact reason, there is a huge array of different financial protection methods provided that comply with the PTR demands. But finding the right PTR compliance solution for you isn’t quite as simple as picking one out of a hat.

Looking For the Right PTR Compliance Solution?

Depending on what type of business you are, your financial protection needs, and how you choose to prioritise spend, different solutions could pose different issues for your travel business.

Fortunately, that’s where PTS comes in. PTS provides a secure, adaptable, and affordable solution that could be just what you’re looking for! (Not to brag, but we’re pretty sure we’ve got you covered!)

PTS uses trust accounts to ensure our members all have complete PTR compliance. In short, all customer payments are paid directly into you own PTS trust account. This gives clients the complete consumer protection they require, and you 100% PTR compliance.

What Does the PTS Trust Account Provide Members?

A well-run trust account model like PTS also provides your business complete financial peace of mind in the event of the unforeseen. Meaning that no matter what happens to a client’s holiday, that money stays protected in the trust account until they’re home safe. Not only does that give them assurance, but stops you from paying out of pocket in an emergency.

To clarify – a trust account does not restrict your business. It enhances cash management, proper business trading in travel and consumer protection. You can release funds to suppliers when needed and these are also protected. The trust account is also run efficiently by independent trustees, so our (very clean) mitts can’t get anywhere near your profits either!

There are huge benefits to any travel business using the PTS trust account for a complete PTR compliance solution. All payments are automated through the PTS travel software. Carefully designed and built by PTS to offer full support to members like no other in the market.

Trusted Partners are Key

PTS also work with aforementioned independent trustees. Their role is to protect the consumer against misappropriation of their money and also to ensure our members’ financial security. The trust account is reconciled daily and all transactions including overviews are available through the PTS software.

The PTS trust account is also approved by the CAA. This allows us to provide a simple ATOL application process to any members in need.

PTS is a highly transparent solution. You or your client can see where their monies are at any time, down to the penny. It’s just that easy!

So, if you’d like to discuss trust accounts further, please get in contact with one of Protected Trust Services’ (PTS) lovely staff members by calling 0207 190 9988. Or, you can visit our member support and travel trust account pages to learn more about how we protect you.