Travel Suppliers

New Supplier and Partner – hoppaGo

February 11th 2019
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A Bright Future for PTS and hoppaGo!

hoppaGo and Protected Trust Services have just formed a great new partnership and both parties could not be more pleased about what this holds for the future.

We at hoppaGo are the specialists in ground transportation offering a solution to the digital challenges that travel organisations are facing. This solution comprises of one platform comparing a network of thousands of ground transport suppliers across hundreds of countries. No more struggling and wasting time that could be spent on generating more revenue – you can now select the right transport supplier for the leisure or business traveller based on price, service, or vehicle type.

Finding the right type of partnerships for hoppaGo is of great importance to us and we have many reasons why we think working with PTS is going to be not only beneficial to us but beneficial to you.

Why are we delighted to be working with Protected Trust Services
• Building up a good client database is never easy and takes a lot of hard work and time for anyone in the travel industry. We were thrilled to hear that all the Protected Trust Services agents and travel homeworkers have already had at least 2 years’ experience in the industry with client database already built up and ready to be informed of our transport offering.
• It was greatly comforting to find that Protected Trust Services members will be able to book our services and manage our invoices through the bespoke PTS software, which also caters to the rest of their needs such as managing clients, ATOL certificates and their diary. Furthermore, all client monies are protected by the PTS trust account and insurance model and so fully Package Travel Regulation compliant.
• At hoppaGo, our key pillars are technology, network and service and it clear to see that Protected Trust Services focus on these three factors as strongly as we do.

Booking anything to do with travel is never an easy process and if one small part is left out or not done correctly it can ruin the clients’ entire plan and you will never hear the end of it. So why not make your life easier?

What are the benefits of arranging ground transportation in advance with hoppaGo?
• We offer a large range of vehicle types and budgets that are suitable for any client.
• Service Level Agreed to by all the hoppaGo suppliers.
• There is global coverage which means we are your “one stop transfer shop” with 116 countries covered and still growing!
• We offer competitive rates.
• Once your booking is made you receive an instant confirmation and all the necessary documentation.
• There are local contact details and a 24/7 emergency helpline provided.
• There is less hassle in resort and no need to establish your transport options potentially in a foreign language.

Search, compare, book and manage all your ground transportation requirements with hoppaGo. We look forward to working with PTS, and with you!

Note form the PTS team – we are thrilled to be working with hoppaGo. All PTS members have full access to Hoppago through the PTS software system and API links. If you need clarification do contact us directly at head office.

If you’d like to discuss this further, please get in contact with one of Protected Trust Services’ (PTS) lovely staff members by calling 0207 190 9988. Or, you can visit our member support and travel trust account pages to learn more about how we protect you.