Member Support and Advice

Cyber Security In Travel Needs To Be A Focus For Start-Ups

June 7th 2021
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It’s understandably not the first thing that comes to mind, but cyber security in travel can be a huge risk not to cover. If you’re starting up any business, ensuring you have good insurance cover is vital to protect the progress and presence of your company.

With digital and online presence growing and becoming more necessary for businesses than ever, it’s inevitable that the risks and threats grow with it.

The managing director of Travel Risk Professionals (TRP), Alan Pattison, spoke on the dangers of not properly covering your cyber security in the travel industry, specifically stating that these issues needed “a lot of attention” and shouldn’t be underestimated.

“There’s an inclination that if you’ve got anti-viral software or firewalls that you’ll be ok. The short of the story is if someone breaks into your system and they get in, the damage they can cause is incalculable, arguably far greater than someone smashing in your office door and nicking your computer,” he said, urging people to take a good look into cyber insurance.

Without it being a physical presence, it can be a very easy risk to not think about. Because you cannot feel the weight of its value, many will bypass the attention their cyber security needs when it could easily be a business’s downfall without the proper protection.

What Help Do I Get When I Get Cyber Insurance?

With the cover of cyber insurance, you will have access to experts such as forensic specialists, investigators, PRs, and legal professionals, that can aid you through any issues you find with your digital security.

As a start-up business, you may not know where to start with recognising digital dangers, and this is where the protection of insurance will help you most. Having access to these professionals could prevent an ignorant error from being bigger than it needs to be.

At Protected Trust Services (PTS) we take cyber security very seriously with our systems and continually consider the cyber security aspect of each procedure and process undertaken, whether it be a system procedure or a manual process.

We take all steps necessary through our booking software to ensure the security of yours, your supplier’s, and your client’s data using world leading server storage providers to store and backup all this data.

We’ve also implemented two step authentication for system access. When it comes to bank account verification and confirmation, we check rigorously to make sure we know where, and to who, each payment out of trust is going.

This covers our booking system, but please be aware that when it comes to other areas such as company websites, the cyber security is in your hands and not covered by our software.

At the end of the day, cyber insurance is worth every penny spent on it, and can release a weight from your shoulders amidst all the responsibility that starting up a business can bring.

If you’d like to find out more about cyber insurance and how it will protect your business, you can visit the government’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) to learn more.

If you’d like any further assistance with travel business security, please get in contact with one of Protected Trust Services’ (PTS) lovely staff members by calling 0207 190 9988. Or, you can visit our member support and travel trust account pages to learn more about how we protect you.