ATOL Travel Reports

March ATOL Renewals Continue Healthy Rise in 2024

April 25th 2024
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Despite the uncertainty that came earlier in the quarter, the CAA has reported a ‘healthy rise’ in March ATOL renewals. This follows a year-on-year pattern and leaves the industry optimistic. With the sector leaving the pandemic shakes in the dust, and progress following close on aviation’s heels, many are taking this rise as a fantastic sign. 

The rise isn’t just a sign of more air travel either. With more travel businesses aware of their challenges, even more now have access to simple services such as Protected Trust Services (PTS). These are the services making the maintenance of travel businesses easier than ever. PTS is currently assisting 142 members with their ATOLs, simplifying the process to a point.

Renewals are On The Rise

It was stated by a Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) representative recently that the march ATOL renewals were on the rise from last year. 1,630 ATOL renewals were completed this quarter. This is an increase from 1,619 in 2023, and 1,618 in 2022.

The Association of ATOL Companies (AAC) legal advisor, Alan Bowen, made a statement recently. He described the rise as ‘remarkable’ following earlier concerns from the CAA. “We have about 660 renewals in March and 50% are yet to apply,” warned Michael Budge previously surrounding the March ATOL renewals.

“The list of those not renewed was the shortest for a long time. Bearing in mind the CAA said half hadn’t put in applications four weeks ago, it’s quite remarkable. The system is working well,” Bowen commented lately. “There are profits to be made and companies are comfortable to look at larger licences.”

It is not only the number of ATOLs that has risen. In the past year the number of licenced passengers for large ATOL holders has noticeably increased. Now, better support is provided for many flight sellers. Plus, packages are taking over the industry and many are looking hopeful after these March ATOL renewals.

ATOL Admin is Easier Than Ever

It is fantastic to see a rise in renewals by ATOL holders despite the earlier concerns. Many travel businesses have been caused unnecessary stress and concern. But this is part of what PTS helps to alleviate by supporting members through the application.  

Whether a member is applying for an ATOL for the first time or renewing their ATOL, the PTS franchise ATOL and our supportive ATOL experts in house help members to go through the application process stress-free. Plus, because PTS is an ATOL franchisee, a lot of the concerns are set aside when members apply through us. We provide a financial protection solution with the travel trust account that ensures PTS members have ATOL approved financial protection. That’s just from being a PTS member. 

So, if you’d like to learn more about how your consumers’ monies are protected with Protected Trust Services (PTS), applying for an ATOL with PTS, and how we support excellent travel businesses, check out our pages. Or you can get in touch with the lovely PTS team by calling 0207 190 9988 or emailing us at