Travel Updates

FCDO Warns UK Travellers May Be Denied Entry to Tunisia

July 7th 2023
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Updates to Foreign Office (FCDO) advice were released yesterday the 6th of July, concerning potential issues for UK travellers entering Tunisia.  

According to the update on the Foreign Travel Advice page, UK travellers should be prepared for potential issues when they arrive in Tunisia. Some travellers have recently been denied entry to the country for a few different reasons.  

British nationals of South Asian descent have reportedly been subjected to extra screenings and delays or temporarily detained or refused entry by the immigration authorities in Tunisia. The authorities claimed these happened on security grounds.  

UK travellers and holidaymakers have also been denied entry at airports. This includes Enfidha, which is the most popular airport for tourists in Tunisia, being the closest to the resort of Hammamet.  

Some UK travellers have also been refused entry to the country, or experienced delays, for not providing sufficient evidence of their accommodation for their stay. According to the current rules in place, evidence of a hotel reservation is required, and travellers are encouraged to ensure they are prepared for a potential check of this nature. 

 “This policy is not applied uniformly, and in most cases, if asked, an explanation of alternative accommodation arrangements will be accepted,” the FCDO added in their response.  

According to the updates, the British Embassy has raised these concerns with the Tunisian authorities, however, the Embassy has no overriding influence on whether travellers are refused entry, so travellers are highly advised to prepare for delays or any evidence requirements if they intend to travel to Tunisia.  

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