Help & Support

Common questions

If you have a query and aren’t sure who to get in touch with, check out the questions and answers below or follow the contact advice attach.


How long does it take to complete the application and be successfully signed off?
The PTS membership application process can vary based on the business applying, but our team aim for 2 weeks from application to sign off.
Do I need to apply for an ATOL?
Absolutely not. If you are not selling flights then you do not need an ATOL at all. If you are becoming a member and you need an ATOL, but you don’t want to apply through PTS, our friendly team are also available to help you apply for an individual ATOL directly with the CAA.
What support tools does PTS provide and are there extra costs?
PTS provides a myriad of support tools including: the one-stop software, currency hedging, card payment services, suppliers, and more. These are all included with your membership, except if you need an ATOL, which costs £851.
Which membership package is best for my business?
What parts of the membership you need depend entirely on your unique business. For example, if you do not sell flights, you will not need a package including ATOL. If you need a website, our partner, Travelgenix, may be of use to you, and if you are trading in multiple currencies, our multiple trust account and currency hedging partner can be included in your membership.
How do the costs for membership work?
While most consortia take a percentage of your profit on each booking, at PTS we take small transaction fees with each booking similar to a bank. This way, you are not losing large sums of money, and you aren’t losing more just for a more expensive booking.
Is the PTS trust account approved under the Package Travel Regulations?
Yes. PTS is an officially approved financial protection provider.


 When can I claim profit?
After the supplier has been paid, you can claim profits up to 180 before travel.
How often are we able to send payments out to suppliers?
You can pay suppliers whenever you need to from the trust account as long as you have an associated booking.
What do you need from me to get started with the application?
You will need to fill out a short form and provide some documentation to verify your business.
What are the costs to apply for a franchise ATOL and how long does it take?
The franchise ATOL costs £851. The application process is quick and easy since you are applying through PTS instead of the CAA.
Can I use the trust account without all the extra tools?
Absolutely. If you only need the trust account protection, you do not need to take advantage of any of the other tools. You just need to use the system to access and make payments in and out of the trust account and you’re all set to use your membership however fits your business best.
Can I still use my own software?
Yes. The PTS software is needed to process payments in and out of the trust account, but you are welcome to continue using your preferred software for anything else.

Consumer Support

How do I know if I’m booking with a member of PTS?
You can check that you’re booking with a member of PTS either on their website by looking for their PTS logo and membership number, or you can search them on our database.
How do I know if I’ve booked a package or not?
If you have booked a package, you will receive confirmation from the business you booked with, you can also request this information directly from them. To put it simply, if you paid for all features of your holiday in one payment, you most likely booked a package.
Should I get travel insurance for my holiday?
Travel insurance has a lot of benefits, and depending on your holiday, can provide some very vital protection in the case of emergencies, medical needs, extreme sports, and more.
How does PTS protect my money while I’m travelling?
If you booked with a PTS member, then your monies will have been paid directly in the trust account. Your travel agent cannot access these monies until after your holiday has been paid for and you’re home safe and sound. Your monies are separated and reconciled daily in the trust account, so if anything does change, those monies can be returned directly to you within hours.
What do I do if something goes wrong while I’m on holiday?
Get in contact with your travel business. If they are a member of PTS, then any necessary refund can be taken care of within hours. Any other issues can be resolved directly with the travel business.
When should I contact PTS directly?
You should only contact PTS directly if you’ve booked with a member of PTS and that member has not resolved your issue. You must contact the travel business first, otherwise we cannot help.

Technical Support

How do I add my own suppliers?
In the PTS system, you can add your own suppliers very simply under the supplier tab.
How do I restrict abilities for different users in my business?
To do this, you need to have no restrictions on your own user profile. Then you can easily go into the users for your business and choose their access abilities.
How do I change bookings?
You can easily edit bookings once they’ve been made by finding the booking under the Bookings tab.
Can I add my own itineraries?
Yes, you can absolutely use your own itineraries or edit the PTS system itinerary to your liking.
Who do I contact if I’m having problems with the software system?
You should contact the admin team member that has been in touch with you previously.
I can’t log in, what should I do?
Get in touch with the admin team to let them know why you can’t log in and they will investigate the issue for you.

Contact Information

Consumer support
General contact
Technical support
307, 315 Holdenhurst Rd,
The Yard,

All about membership

As a PTS member, you would have access to our secure trust account solution, complete PTR compliance, and the freedom to run your business.


About PTS

We’re committed to putting trust in every booking. Learn more about why we’re on a mission to make travel better for everyone.


For consumers

We want you to have trust in every booking. Check here to confirm that your chosen travel seller is a PTS Member.
