Member Support and Advice

Huben Travel Short Listed For TTG Luxury Travel Award 2022

Huben Travel Short Listed For TTG Luxury Travel Award 2022

The team at Protected Trust Services (PTS) are delighted to hear that one of our luxury travel agent PTS members, Huben Travel, has been nominated and short listed for an award at the TTG Luxury Travel Awards 2022. Ben Eddon-Carruthers, co-owner of Huben Travel, has been short listed for the New Luxury Travel Designer of…

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800 540 Victor
New Consumer Protection Laws May Impact Travel Businesses

New Consumer Protection Laws May Impact Travel Businesses

The past couple of years in travel has proved just how fast things can change for travel. Now, more than ever, consumer protection is very important, not just for smooth and efficient operations in many situations, but for great consumer confidence. Of late, the government have been giving some attention to consumer protection laws and…

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1772 1182 Victor
Novaturient: Building a Successful Tour Operator During Covid

Novaturient: Building a Successful Tour Operator During Covid

Over the course of the pandemic, we have seen many companies go out of business or have to make difficult decisions and make valuable travel professionals redundant. The impact of Covid on the travel industry is a huge one, and many would agree it has been a ground-shaking experience in the industry. From some of…

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1620 1080 Victor
World Tourism Day 2021: Tourism For Inclusive Growth

World Tourism Day 2021: Tourism For Inclusive Growth

Today, on the 27th of September 2021 the UNWTO and all of us in the travel industry are celebrating World Tourism Day. This year, World Tourism Day is focused on the idea of 'Tourism for Inclusive Growth' and supporting the tourism industry around the world during the difficult time of the pandemic.  Focused especially on…

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1722 1217 Victor
The Tour Operator’s Obligations To Assist Explained

The Tour Operator’s Obligations To Assist Explained

Doing thorough research on destinations and keeping up to date with possible issues tour operators could have an obligation to resolve is important to keep consumers safe. Of course, this can vary from travel agents to tour operators, and it's important to know news page or check in at one of their live Hot Topic sessions.  …

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1920 1280 Victor
PTS Supporting Travel Day of Action 2021

PTS Supporting Travel Day of Action 2021

At present all of the UK travel industry are going through a lot of stress, anger, and uncertainty, surrounding travel guidelines and Government support. This day, the 23rd of June 2021, is our Travel Day of Action to speak up and

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1620 1080 Victor
Cyber Security In Travel Needs To Be A Focus For Start-Ups

Cyber Security In Travel Needs To Be A Focus For Start-Ups

It's understandably not the first thing that comes to mind, but cyber security in travel can be a huge risk not to cover. If you're starting up any business, ensuring you have good insurance cover is vital to protect the progress and presence of your company. With digital and online presence growing and becoming more…

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1732 1154 Victor
Travel Industry Obliged to Inform on Travel Requirements

Travel Industry Obliged to Inform on Travel Requirements

With all the confusion and debate surrounding 2021 and the Covid-19 pandemic, it's even more crucial than ever to be well informed. Especially in the travel industry, there is a lot of precautions, restrictions, destination requirements, and advice that consumers need to ensure their safety. What Information Needs to Be Provided on Travel Requirements? To…

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1728 1157 Victor
How PTS Helps Flight Only Businesses To Succeed

How PTS Helps Flight Only Businesses To Succeed

PTS support flight only businesses by providing affordable ATOL licenses, access to merchant services, and professional online software that has been designed specifically to help flight only companies. All of this is provided at an affordable rate, offering significantly better service for both you and your clients, with significant savings in time and profit margin.…

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1920 1080 Victor
How PTS Helps Homeworker Travel Pros To Succeed

How PTS Helps Homeworker Travel Pros To Succeed

PTS provides a solution to experienced individuals that are looking to work from home selling travel. Our new and innovative solution for homeworker travel agents is the most profitable way to work from home, selling travel in the UK. The package includes bespoke booking software, full

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1920 1080 Victor