Travel Suppliers

Enjoy Some Christmas Holiday Magic With Canterbury Travel

Enjoy Some Christmas Holiday Magic With Canterbury Travel

At Protected Trust Services, we are rapidly growing our supplier portfolio to support our ever expanding list of travel agents. We are thrilled to announce our newest supplier,

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Join Us, Tuesday May 21 For Our Next PTS Discovery Brunch

Join Us, Tuesday May 21 For Our Next PTS Discovery Brunch

Protected Trust Services are excited to announce our first PTS Discovery Brunch. This will include some delicious food and coffee, as well as an opportunity to meet the Protected Trust Services team. We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our PTS solutions and the services we offer, and we will be…

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New Supplier and Partner – hoppaGo

New Supplier and Partner – hoppaGo

A Bright Future for PTS and hoppaGo! hoppaGo and Protected Trust Services have just formed a great new partnership and both parties could not be more pleased about what this holds for the future. We at hoppaGo are the specialists in ground transportation offering a solution to the digital challenges that travel organisations are facing.…

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