Travel Updates

New Zealand Reopen Plans Moved Forward

New Zealand Reopen Plans Moved Forward

New Zealand's Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, announced on Tuesday the 15th of March the New Zealand reopen plans initially set to allow travellers in July, will now be moved forward in an exciting turn of events for travellers.   After nearly two years with no travellers to New Zealand, the government initially announced a long-haul…

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Cambodia Testing Removed For Fully Vaccinated Travellers

Cambodia Testing Removed For Fully Vaccinated Travellers

Officials announced today, Thursday the 17th of March, that Cambodia testing requirements will no longer be necessary for fully vaccinated travellers to enter Cambodia.   Going into effect immediately (following the 17th of March), Cambodia reportedly decided to simplify entry requirements for international visitors to give a boost to investments in their tourism industry.  …

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1500 1000 Victor
Mauritius Covid Tests Removed for Vaccinated Travellers

Mauritius Covid Tests Removed for Vaccinated Travellers

Following the initial relaxation of travel restrictions for Mauritius in October, Mauritius covid tests have now been removed from being a pre-departure requirement for fully vaccinated arrivals.  Whereas previously, all travellers to Mauritius would have been required to provide evidence of a negative pre-departure test taken within 72 hours before travel, following Saturday the 12th…

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1920 1279 Victor
Ireland Travel Restrictions Removed For All Travellers

Ireland Travel Restrictions Removed For All Travellers

Over the weekend the news came out that Ireland travel restrictions will be completely removed for all travellers.   It was announced by the Irish Government that the Ireland travel restrictions would all be removed for vaccinated and unvaccinated travellers alike from Sunday the 6th of March.   This means that the only restrictions in…

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1920 1278 Victor
St Lucia Testing Rules Changed For Fully Vaccinated

St Lucia Testing Rules Changed For Fully Vaccinated

Excellent news was revealed today (Thursday the 3rd of March) as the St Lucia testing rules have been changed and simplified for fully vaccinated travellers around the world.   As of Saturday the 5th of March, fully vaccinated travellers will be able to take an antigen test as an alternative to a PCR test to…

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1000 800 Victor
Slovenia and Iceland Travel Restrictions Removed

Slovenia and Iceland Travel Restrictions Removed

The great news was released on Friday the 25th of February as it was announced that most Slovenia and Iceland travel restrictions will be removed from the same date.   Iceland officials stated that travel and domestic restrictions have been lifted from the 25th of February onwards in a strike for normalcy. This means that…

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1000 667 Victor
EU Plans to Drop Testing For Fully Vaccinated Travellers

EU Plans to Drop Testing For Fully Vaccinated Travellers

Fantastic news came in an announcement on Tuesday (22nd of February) the EU revealed plans to drop testing requirements for all fully vaccinated travellers arriving from outside the member states.   To be put into action on the 1st of March, this 'one-size-fits-all' approach could make booking an Easter holiday to Europe much simpler for…

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1000 585 Victor
Lithuania Travel Restrictions Lifted for International Travellers

Lithuania Travel Restrictions Lifted for International Travellers

The Lithuania travel restrictions have seen a big change this week as the country has announced the welcome of international travellers, fully vaccinated and otherwise, with their new relaxed rules of entry. The new Lithuania travel restrictions went into effect on the 15th of February (Tuesday). They are one of the first destinations to reduce…

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1000 667 Victor
Canada Will Relax Restrictions from February 28th

Canada Will Relax Restrictions from February 28th

After announcing their plans for a "phased easing" of border restrictions in the coming months, it has been reported that Canada will relax restrictions for fully vaccinated travellers from February 28th. Canada originally set restrictions in March 2020, with only 4 airports open to accept flights where allowed. This was extended to 18 airports in…

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1000 667 Victor
Tunisia Entry Rules To Be Relaxed For Vaccinated Travellers

Tunisia Entry Rules To Be Relaxed For Vaccinated Travellers

It was confirmed by the Tunisian Embassy in London recently that the Tunisia entry rules are to be relaxed for fully vaccinated travellers from tomorrow (February 15th). Following after many other fantastic destinations that have relaxed their entry rules since the upset caused by the Omicron spread, Tunisia have made their country more accessible to…

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