Consumer Protection

67% of Travellers Considering Destination Ethics More

November 21st 2022
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In a travel survey recently conducted by Holiday Extras, many British travellers stated that they are now taking into consideration the destination ethics and human rights record before they book a holiday abroad.  

With more awareness of the state of destinations having grown over the course of the Covid pandemic, following on from the fluctuating entry rules of 2020 and 2021, it is excellent to see that UK travellers are extending that awareness to the destination ethics and the state of human rights in a country following some recent incidents (political concerns for a destination can be found by travellers on the Foreign Travel Advice page, but these details do not tend to span human rights differences). 

In the survey referenced, Holiday Extras asked 3,000 people about how they plan to travel in 2023. Of these 3,000 people, 67% said they are looking for more “ethically responsible destinations”, delving into the destination ethics from recent incidents to more general human rights in place.  

According to reports, 12% of respondents in the survey said finding “ethically responsible destinations” is the most important factor in the holiday they are considering. 

Delving into the impact of the cost-of-living crisis, the survey found that despite these financial concerns, 51% of respondents still plan to go on holiday while swapping for a cheaper destination, and 12% more have already booked somewhere cheaper than planned for next year’s holiday. On top of this, 12% of UK travellers have committed to swapping a holiday abroad for a UK getaway, and a further 41% were considering doing the same.  

In order to take finances into consideration and keep expenses down, 81% of the travellers surveyed stated that they are spending more time researching their 2023 holiday, this further need for investigation and awareness following on from the need for clarity on a destination’s ethics. 

Despite the hurdles that have been thrown in travel’s way over the course of 2022, Greece and Turkey have seen the biggest rise in popularity as a destination for the second year in a row. Both destinations have seen twice the number of bookings that they did in 2019. 

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