
CAA Opened Consultation To Review Operations

November 28th 2022
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With several public bodies in the travel industry coming under consultation following the response and adaptation during the Covid pandemic, it is excellent to see a call for evidence consultation launched as a public part of the UK government’s review of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). 

The CAA has been at the centre of much consideration in 2022 as many potentially game-changing adjustments have become a consideration in the months since the Covid pandemic. Financial protection options and requirements are still under consideration following the opening of the CAA consultation in 2021, and the government’s review of the CAA began in August of 2022 as part of the Cabinet Office’s Public Bodies Review Programme that strives to make public bodies more efficient and effective. 

As a part of this review, the Department for Transport has launched a consultation to gather evidence on the effectiveness and efficiency of the CAA. This includes how the CAA administers ATOL, overseas consumer rights, whether the CAA has the right powers to regulate the aviation market, if it is good value for money, and the structure of the CAA. 

This consultation is open to any interested party that uses the CAA or is affected by its work, such as airlines, airports, pilots, passengers, and more. The government are calling on the public to gather evidence that will aid the review and the potential changes that may come for the CAA in the future.  

The consultation is set to close on the 22nd of January 2023 and the responses to the consultation will be published by the government within three months of this date, allowing the evidence and consensus to be visible to all affected by the work of the CAA. 

Among the concerned areas, the government consultation of the CAA will also be asking if the current model is correct for the future of travel and if those who use ATOL would be willing to pay more money in order to access premium functions, suggesting some of the future changes to come for the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). 

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