Travel Reports

CAA Seek Environmental Information Expectations Data

January 13th 2023
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Just this week, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) announced their next call for evidence, concerning the environmental information that consumers are currently receiving from airlines and the environmental information they should be expecting to receive from airlines when they are researching and booking their flights. 

A CAA consultation concerning a set of proposals is due to follow the call for evidence later in 2023, working off the basis of the “trustworthy, accurate, and relevant” information on the environmental impact of air traffic that the CAA is looking to ensure is provided to all consumers that are booking flights. 

This call for evidence is specifically calling for views from the industry and consumers on what environmental information is shown be provided to consumers and how this information should be supplied. This call for evidence has officially begun and will run until the 7th of April 2023, then followed by the consultation on any proposals made. 

This move comes out in light of the consumer research that was conducted for the CAA in 2021 that heavily suggested consumers desired more environmental information on the impact of flying and their travel choices on the state of the world. Because of the steps taken towards sustainability in travel over the past few years, and the greater consumer awareness, many organisations have begun to provide environmental information to consumers, with the number of organisations doing so increasing greatly over the years. 

However, because there is no standard approach to emissions calculations or how to display the information concerning CO2 emissions from flights, consumers have found it difficult to be able to make comparisons between flights based on the environmental impact. 

The goal of the CAA with this call for evidence is to standardise the approach to calculating and displaying this information and to ensure that consumers have clearly provided information when they are booking so they can make relevant comparisons and make more informed choices concerning travel options. 

This move is just one part of the CAA’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy, created in support of the government’s Jet Zero Strategy which both strive to deliver ‘net zero’ aviation by the crest of 2050. 

The CAA Head of Strategy, Nic Stevenson, said, “Better understanding the most-effective type, format and communication of environmental information will help us achieve the goal of supporting the government’s net zero aviation target. 

“I encourage everyone to help inform the way passengers are provided access to accurate and relevant information about the environmental impact of their flights. 

“That information plays a key role in regard to the choices consumers make, and providing trustworthy data enables more sustainable choices.” 

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