Travel Reports

Government Makes Pledge to Reach Net Zero by 2050

April 17th 2023
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After the travel industry has been urging the UK government to make more efforts towards producing sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), they have announced further plans for investment into their two-year action plan that will assist greatly towards reaching net zero for the aviation sector by 2050.  

In the announcement, the government outlined their plans to make the production of SAF swifter than previously. This will come through the furtherment of investments and actions within the two-year action plan that was previously proposed on a smaller scale. The goal to reach net zero for aviation emissions by 2050 was set prior and many travel businesses, industry experts, and beyond have been demanding a greater contribution since the government released their original plans earlier this year. 

Within this plan, the Jet Zero Council that was established for this purpose has committed itself to continued work, hoping to increase the speed at that solutions within aviation design and manufacture are produced and rolled out to reduce the aviation emissions created by UK airports and aircrafts.  

Alongside this, the government have pledged to invest millions of pounds in plants, supporting scientific research, and the reduction of production costs in order to speed up the progress towards the development of SAF and ultimately reach net zero for the aviation sector.  

Mark Harper, the UK transport secretary, said, “This government is a determined partner to the aviation industry – helping accelerate new technology and fuels, modernise their operations, and work internationally to remove barriers to progress. 

“Together, we can set aviation up for success, continue harnessing its huge social and economic benefits, and ensure it remains a core part of the UK’s sustainable economic future.” 

Achieving net zero as an end goal is set out in the Jet Zero Strategy that was formed, and it is specified that this will be achieved without limiting demand for aviation. The £165 million Advanced Fuel Fund will also start off production and five projects have, since the previous announcement, been chosen to receive funding.  

The government, alongside industry heads, will also be investing in the invention of aerospace technology through the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) programme which has a £685 million research and development budget at present. This is a 12-month-long study that will work with the industry to speed up the development of liquid hydrogen propulsion aircraft technologies, capabilities, and skills within the UK. Plus, it will be exploring green liquid hydrogen as a potential option for aviation. 

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