Travel Reports

Government Provides Further Aid to SAF Production

September 6th 2023
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Once again, the UK government has extended its commitments to SAF production. Over the past year, demands and aid for production have increased and the Department for Transport (DfT) has made another move to meet needs.  

SAF (standing for, sustainable aviation fuel) production in the UK has seen a boost in 2023. Part of this is due to the recent announcement by the DfT. According to authorities, the government plans to introduce a “revenue certainty mechanism” in order to support SAF production and give it the necessary boost.  

This comes after several sources have warned the government against committing to SAF production while others in the aviation industry have asked for further aid.  

This scheme will be put in place to provide security, economic growth, and aid for the 10,000+ jobs being created. The introduction of the SAF mandate in 2025 will also contribute to this goal. The number of jobs is expected to increase by 2030, with a goal of 60,000 by 2050. 

The DfT plans to instigate a consultation to come to an agreement on the design and delivery of this scheme, and to ensure greater development on and investment in SAF production for the future. 

 Baroness Vere, the aviation and maritime minister, claimed that SAF will bring “countless” opportunities for the economy alongside providing an opportunity for the aviation industry to “harness its full potential” and bring the UK closer to the goal of net-zero flight.  

“This commitment is an important step to create cleaner and greener aviation in the UK and will cement our position as a global leader in innovation, creating a new talented workforce that champions decarbonisation and pave the way for future air travel.” 

Now in publication is also a delivery plan for this endeavour. The goal, according to the published report, is to deliver this plan by 2026. The plan aims to build further on the work of the Jet Zero Council in order to find the best way to support aviation while reaching a sustainable neutral.  

Sustainable Aviation commented on the move positively and welcomed the new proposal, “Affordable SAF, available at scale is critical to delivering net zero aviation by 2050. We look forward to working in partnership with government on the rapid design and implementation of a revenue certainty scheme, that will help unlock billions of pounds of private investment in the UK.” 

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