Consumer Protection

Greece Has Removed Quarantine For All Tourists

July 11th 2022
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It has been announced recently that Greece has removed quarantine requirements for all tourists, regardless of their vaccination or Covid status.  

This means that travellers visiting Greece for a holiday will not be required to quarantine in a quarantine hotel after Greece has removed quarantine requirements, even if they have become infected or tested positive for Covid. The decision, Greece claims, is to be left predominantly in the hands of the traveller.  

With these new relaxed rules in Greece (which can be found in detail on the Foreign Travel Advice page), all quarantine rooms in hotels specifically designated for travellers with Covid will no longer be in mandatory use. However, these rooms will still be available to those with Covid if necessary, mainly for the use of staff members with Covid.  

The rule that residents with Covid must self-isolate for five days also doesn’t apply to travellers after Greece removed quarantine requirements.  

Travellers in Greece who test positive or become infected with Covid will be allowed to decide whether to self-isolate in their current accommodation, if they choose to self-isolate, they will only have to do so for the remaining days they have booked.  

Travellers with Covid will also be allowed to travel via ferry, plane, and other means of transport as long as they wear a mandatory, high-protection face covering or face mask. 

Epidemiologist Christos Hatzichristodoulou said, “There was a lot of discussion about how to manage [COVID] outbreaks at tourist accommodation facilities, and we decided to enforce the rules that apply in other Mediterranean countries. The majority of countries in northern Europe have no measures in place to protect against the coronavirus.” 

It was specified after the announcement that the new requirements means travellers who have Covid should tell the hotel, who will advise the National Public Health Organisation (EODY). The traveller will then be advised to self-isolate, but not required to.  

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