Consumer Protection

Malaysia Remove Entry Requirements For Fully Vaccinated

April 28th 2022
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Malaysia Airlines have expressed their joy at the welcome news as the Health Ministry declare that Malaysia will remove entry requirements for all fully vaccinated travellers from the beginning of next month.  

It has been less than a month since Malaysia reopened their borders to international travellers. Currently, the only direct flights between the UK and Malaysia are going out 11 times per week, with some pre-departure entry requirements for all travellers to Malaysia. 

From the 1st of May (Sunday), fully vaccinated travellers, and all travellers under the age of 12, will be able to enter Malaysia without the entry requirement to take a pre-departure test. This means that fully vaccinated travellers will only need to fill out a pre-departure form (the approved ‘fully vaccinated’ status as defined by Malaysia can be found on the My Safe Travel website). 

Unvaccinated travellers and partially vaccinated travellers will still be required to follow some entry requirements, these remain unspecified at present.  

The decision for Malaysia to remove entry requirements for fully vaccinated travellers was confirmed this week by the Malaysian Health Ministry. It was also said that this decision would allow more flexibility for travellers travelling directly to Malaysia or travelling through Malaysia as a stop-off.  

Malaysia Airlines were enthralled by this news. The regional director of Malaysia Airlines UK and Europe, Daniel Bainbridge, said that this was great news and, “International arrivals have increased dramatically since the border officially opened on 1 April.” 

“This further removal of entry requirements is an even clearer sign Malaysia is fully open to the world, and Malaysia Airlines cannot wait to welcome more passengers onboard with our warm Malaysian hospitality.”  

Malaysian Airlines have confirmed that from the 30th of June they will return to a full double daily service between Heathrow and Kuala Lumpur, making Malaysia more accessible than ever since the breakout of Covid in 2020.  

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