Travel Reports

Manchester First UK City to Add Nightly Tourist Tax

April 3rd 2023
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Following Edinburgh’s proposal last year, in 2022, to add a £2 levy for tourists, Manchester has now become the first city within the UK to introduce a new tourist tax that will be charged per night for all visitors to the city.  

This means that tourists choosing to stay at Manchester accommodations will now face a small extra tourist tax charge. Named the City Visitor Charge by Manchester officials, this new tourist tax will cost each traveller an additional £1 per room, per night in their chosen accommodation. According to the reports, the extra money made from this will be used to assist in running large events, conferences, festivals, marketing campaigns, and street cleanliness activities throughout the city.  

Joanna Roney, the Manchester City Council chief executive, told sources that this tourist tax scheme was put in place this year in an endeavour to raise £3 million extra per year in order to enhance the experience that they give to their visitors and tourists.  

Roney stated to the source that all of the money raised would be “invested directly into these activities, supporting Manchester’s accommodation sector to protect and create jobs and benefiting the city’s economy as a whole”. 

According to reports, this new tourist tax in being introduced in response to 73 different hotels and serviced apartments signing up to the Manchester Accommodation Business Improvement District (ABID) levy scheme. This scheme was introduced prior to a planned expansion for the hotel and holiday le sector in Manchester, a move that, coupled with this latest addition, aim to improve the quality experiences that the city provides to its visitors.  

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