Member Support and Advice

The Power of Social Media For Travel Businesses

August 17th 2017
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How Social Media Can Increase Profits For Travel Companies

Social media marketing channels become ever more influential but the day. At Protected Trust Services we have had endless conversations about social media for travel with our members and inquiries about the use and integration of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The most frequently asked questions are:

  • Do we need it?
  • Why do we need it?

In the travel industry imagery is extremely powerful. Beautiful images of resorts, destinations, hotels and experiences are worth their weight in gold. In travel, it is true to say “a picture paints a thousand words.”

Interestingly Travelzoo has recently held a survey looking into generational attitudes around the pros and cons of using social media on holidays.

The results speak for themselves:

  • 55% of Generation Z ( Born after 1996) answered how a holiday will look on social media is an important factor and a leading priority for them.
  • 42% of Millennials ( Born 1987-1995) also answered that it is very important
  • Only 10% of Early Boomers ( Born between 1946-1965) feel social media influences their travel choices.

Top travel firms, such as Thomas Cook are now investing into attracting the Millennials with high incomes.

The younger generations are our future and many millennials consider travel to be a yearly necessity, not a luxury. As such, it is important for travel companies to invest in their social media channels today. It will undoubtedly make a difference to your bottom line.

If you are unsure on how to add value through social media there are many free tutorials on YouTube that will give you insights into how simple these marketing channels are. To help our members, here are some of our recommended tutorials that we believe will help your travel business.

PTS Recommended Facebook Tutorials

Facebook has its own page for the travel industry

PTS Recommended Instagram Tutorials

52 Tips: How To Market on Instagram

 How To Use Instagram For Business – How To Build An Audience of Followers For Your Business

If you’d like to learn more about how we use social media for travel, please get in contact with one of Protected Trust Services’ (PTS) lovely staff members by calling 0207 190 9988. Or, you can visit our member support and travel trust account pages to learn more about how we protect you.