Travel Reports

‘Spain for All’ Campaign Aims to Put Diversity First

December 7th 2023
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As of Wednesday the 6th of December, Spain officially launched its newest campaign – Spain for All – to promote and kick off further improvements to accessibility and diversity for residents and travellers throughout the country. 

The ‘Spain for All’ campaign aims to begin a journey towards a more inclusive country. Through both social and accessibility means, Spain aims to harbour an improved culture of diversity and create a safer environment for disabled travellers. 

On this journey, Spain has begun to put together an advisory panel that will give feedback and address the main challenges and opportunities that the campaign presents for accessible social spaces. As of the 7th of December, those interested in the campaign can still apply to join the ‘Spain for All’ panel of advisors on their website.  

This panel will be followed up by a consumer survey, further discussions with the advisory panel, and the beginning of a content campaign to share with travellers and Spain travel experts.  

Despite the brand new campaign, this is not the beginning of Spain’s quest to create an accessible and diverse culture for travellers and residents of the country equally. The country has been publicly putting accessibility and diversity at the forefront for 40 years with a variety of promotions and campaigns.  

Most recently, in July 2022, the ‘All Bodies are Beach Bodies’ campaign was released to encourage women to visit Spain in spite of gender and body stereotypes. It was headed with content featuring several women of different ages, sizes, and ethnicities at the beach together.  

Outside of the ‘Spain for All’ campaign and its counterparts, Spain ensures continued accessibility through the Spain is Accessible website and approval requirements. This not only ensures that travellers can tailor their holidays to their specific needs but also standardises accessibility criteria for multiple industries within the country to ensure inclusivity is maintained at an approved standard. 

Burgos and Bilbao are greatly involved in Spanish accessibility, setting the standard for inclusive infrastructure, while Madrid and Barcelona focus heavily on providing accessible public transport. The ONCE Foundation also aims to improve the lives of people in Spain with disabilities, including within workspaces.  

Spanish Tourist Office UK Director, Manuel Butler, commented on the ‘Spain for All’ campaign and said, “In Spain, we place strong emphasis on putting frameworks in place for equal opportunities, to expand social rights and reduce the gaps and prejudice between different groups. 

“Our aim is to create geographic and economic sustainability with a socially inclusive tourism model that spreads the benefits around the country, 365 days of the year. 

“To work towards greater equality, good governance and public policy is vital but we also want to learn from our peers in the travel industry and create dialogue to better understand both the challenges and the opportunities as we advocate for a more inclusive travel sector.” 

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