Member Support and Advice

Starting a Travel Business? Protect Your Profit Now!

May 16th 2024
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There are a considerable number of things to think about when starting a travel business. Whether you’re going the niche tour operator route, or you just want to match each traveller with their dream getaway, it may be hard to determine what needs priority in those initial few months or years of business.  

But regardless of how many decisions you need to make, we can all agree that keeping as much profit as possible to reinvest (or simply spoil yourself) is going to be on top of any list, right?  

Unfortunately, another priority could challenge that. Business support can be vital for any business, regardless of experience, but it can come at a hefty price if you aren’t careful. 

Commission and profits can be hard to juggle when you’re starting a travel business. On top of that, having to do all your own admin, set up card payments, protect your own profits, and ensure you’re within the legislation can be the biggest turn-off.  

That is why so many starting a travel business now are turning to consortia for help. What you want could change your choice, but ultimately having that admin taken care of for you, or everything in one place could be the difference between owning a business that you love, and feeling anxious that you can’t take on such a big task (trust me, some of our members just want to talk to clients all day and do nothing else. Luckily, they can!). 

Saving Your Profit

If you plan to use software, admin, or financial support it could seem like you can’t afford it straight away, but that’s where Protected Trust Services (PTS) is here to help.  

Many consortia will take 10%, 30%, maybe even 50% of your profit away from you as part of your payment for their support. But that’s not how we like to operate at PTS.  

Initial Payment Percentage Taken Money Taken Your Profit
1 Consortium £10,000 50% £5,000 £5,000
2 Consortium £10,000 30% £3,000 £7,000
3 Consortium £10,000 10% £1,000 £9,000
PTS £10,000 0% £0 £10,000

We understand how valuable each penny can be when you’re starting a travel business. Even for our most experienced members, that 10% of profit could make a huge difference. That is why, when you become a PTS member, we don’t take a single penny from your hard-earned profit.  

Why should you lose out on your own money just because you want to keep things simple? 

All PTS members have complete freedom over their business. Whether it’s choosing from our exclusive suppliers deals or dipping into the pool of suppliers out in the world, or taking control of how we support you, everything is in your hands, we just give you the tools to do it.  

So, if you’d like to learn more about how your consumers’ monies are protected with Protected Trust Services (PTS) and how we support excellent travel businesses, check out our pages. Or you can get in touch with the lovely PTS team by calling 0207 190 9988 or emailing us at