Travel Software

The Top 5 Reasons Why You Need To Use Travel Software

March 26th 2024
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Whether you are just starting up a travel company, or you are looking to boost the foundational support for your trave business, the right travel software for you can be a game changer.

As with any technology, there are a huge variety of options available when searching for travel software. Each option provides its own range of prices and functionality. However, if an off-the-shelf option isn’t your preferred choice, bespoke software solutions can be built to suit your company. Equally, some software solutions, such as PTS, provide simple, one-stop solutions that can be flexible and evolve with the needs of your travel business.

It is worth taking some time to deliberate over which software is right for you. The right software doesn’t just save you time and money. The right software will smooth out the process of client management and open up new opportunities for repeat custom and new suppliers.

Though the right travel software may differ from business to business, there are key things that the right software can offer. To aid you in choosing the right software package for you, here are the 5 top reasons you need travel software for your business.

1. Reduced Costs with One-Stop Travel Software

Travel software solutions will usually perform the tasks that would be assigned to a team of admins. The time-saving potential of using such software is tangible to any company. Staff are a significant cost to any travel business. Streamlining these processes with the software will allow you to focus funds elsewhere. The money that is saved on administration can then be applied to marketing and front of house service, allowing the business to grow.

Whether you’re a start-up or a long-standing business, being able to prioritise costs can make a huge difference. Especially for a start-up or an independent homeworker, this means a better ability to put money where it’s really going to make a difference, without being overwhelmed with the admin work.

2. Organisation and Time Management

Paper-based systems may sound archaic to plenty, but many niche tour operators still function under this system. However, the right travel software allows all customer management to be dealt with swiftly and efficiently online.

This removes the need for storing paper records, which can be lost or damaged. It also clears up a significant portion of storage space. Plus, it is more efficient and puts everything in one place. The subsequent environmental impact is also a huge consideration for any travel business.

Whilst it depends upon the software package you choose, most software will provide some, or all, of the following time management features:

  • Provision of quotes and invoices, as well as automatic sending and storage
  • Communications (such as emails or in-house chat options)
  • Notes sections, or areas to share or record information (such as storing ATOL certificates)
  • A diary, often with email reminders and with automatic syncing to your phone
  • Supplier bookings and management
  • Within the Protected Trust Services (PTS) software, we also offer reconciliation of accounts, with the added benefit of setting up supplier payments

Time management is key to any business reaching its optimal level of productivity. The right software will allow a travel company to work to its optimal performance with minimal hassle.

3. Access To a Supplier Database in Exclusive Travel Software

Many software solutions offer an API and supplier database, but there are just as many solutions that don’t. This is incredibly important, particularly as a new or early-stage travel business, as it is a library of suppliers that will allow you to expand quickly.

Having access to a supplier database may not be of utmost importance to some niche travel companies, but to the larger percentage, it is hugely beneficial to have a range of worldwide options available to choose from.

That is why at PTS, we provide a simple and exclusive database of suppliers. Within the software members can browse suppliers and add them to bookings. They also have complete freedom to add any supplier of their choosing to their own business page.

4. Client Management and Relationships

Client management is of utmost importance to any company. For travel businesses it is a vital part of the business and will enhance return bookings, which can help to fill your coffers.

The Protected Trust Services (PTS) travel software includes a range of client management features. It allows fast reference to each client, which makes way for more personal and friendly customer service, thus enhancing client relationships. Knowing your clients, combined with a friendly approach, will undoubtedly increase your bottom line year on year.

5. Reconciliation and Reduced Accountancy Fees

Accountancy fees are always a big cost to any company. When approaching year-end, many company directors spend a significant amount of time having to prepare their books. Many are getting ready to allow the accountant to produce year-end accounts. If mistakes are made, heavy fines can be applied by HMRC. For this reason, we always advise searching for software solutions that offer a reconciliation add-on for your accounts. This will pay dividends in both time and professional fees.

There are a plethora of different reasons to introduce travel software to support you and your company. We highly advise doing your research before settling on any option.

The five points above are all fantastic features to look for in any software package and will all benefit your business immensely. However, always make sure that the service you choose is both affordable and offers the solutions that match your business’ needs and requirements.

So, if you would like to learn more about travel software support with PTS, please get in contact with one of PTS’ lovely staff members by calling 0207 190 9988. Or, you can visit our member support and travel trust account pages to learn more about how we protect you.