Consumer Protection

Third Transport Secretary Appointed in Two Months

October 26th 2022
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In the recent reshuffle of the cabinet following Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak’s election, a new Transport Secretary has been appointed, with Mark Harper coming in as the third new Transport Secretary over the course of the past 2 months.  

There has been some tension between the travel industry and previous Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, over the course of the pandemic, with the travel industry going through many changes as the demands of the industry have changed around them. When Grant Shapps was replaced by Anne-Marie Trevelyan in September, appointed by previous Prime Minister, Liz Truss, there were many different reactions to the news of his step down.  

Many in the industry welcomed a change of pace following the calm down of the Covid pandemic. This most recent change has also had a mixed reaction, with Mark Harper the third Transport Secretary to be in action in the past 2 months, and Rishi Sunak to be the third Prime Minister active in the same time.  

However, some in the travel industry have spoken out in favour of this change and the welcome of Mark Harper as the new Transport Secretary under Rishi Sunak. 

Mark Harper spoke out about his new role on Twitter, and said, “Delighted to be appointed secretary of state for transport by prime minister Rishi Sunak. Transport affects us all, and I can’t wait to tackle the challenges we face so we can deliver for communities across our United Kingdom.” 

Former Secretary, Anne-Marie Trevelyan also commented on Twitter, and said, “Congratulations to [Mark Harper] on his appointment as transport secretary – continuing to deliver on our 2019 manifesto, building infrastructure to help us level-up the whole of the country, and driving the net zero revolution.” 

So, if you’d like to learn more about how your consumers’ monies are protected with Protected Trust Services (PTS) and how we support excellent travel businesses, check out our pages. Or you can get in touch with the lovely PTS team by calling 0207 190 9988 or emailing us at