Consumer Protection

US Cruise Ship Warning Removed For Passengers

March 31st 2022
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After two long years of warning passengers against the dangers of contracting Covid on cruise ships, the US cruise ship warning has been removed for all passengers.  

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently announced that they have removed the US cruise ship warning after the past two years of the pandemic. This Covid travel health notice for cruise ships was a big marker of the impact of Covid on travel, and many in the travel industry are glad to see this news.  

Some industry professionals were reported as saying that with the CDC removing the US cruise ship warning, this shows a transition back to pre-pandemic travel for cruise lines. The removal of these warnings is expected to give a great boost to the confidence of cruise lines’ consumers who are travelling to or around the US.  

The Covid travel health notice that the CDC put in place two years ago was intended to provide advice and guidance on the restrictions of cruise travel during Covid and the protocols used for safe sailing during the pandemic.  

The CDC clarified that though all risk on cruises is not completely diminished, “travellers will make their own risk assessment when choosing to travel on a cruise ship, much like they do in all other travel settings.” Putting the decision and assessment in consumers’ hands again could be a big step for consumer confidence.  

A CDC authority also added that this decision to remove the US cruise ship warning was based on the current state of the pandemic alongside a significant fall in Covid cases on cruise ships based on the past few weeks.  

The Cruise Lines International Association also added that this move ‘recognises the effective public health measures in place on cruise ships and begins to level the playing field, between cruise and similarly situated venues on land, for the first time since March 2020.’ 

This is excellent news for cruise lines and their passengers, with the potential to counter the previous concerns that consumers may have had based on the CDC’s advice.  

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