Member Support and Advice

World Tourism Day 2021: Tourism For Inclusive Growth

September 27th 2021
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Today, on the 27th of September 2021 the UNWTO and all of us in the travel industry are celebrating World Tourism Day. This year, World Tourism Day is focused on the idea of ‘Tourism for Inclusive Growth’ and supporting the tourism industry around the world during the difficult time of the pandemic.  Focused especially on seeing the individual behind the great work we see in the tourism industry, and celebrating people where tourism is a vital part of the economy.

As one of the industries most heavily hit by the pandemic, the travel industry has gone through and still is going through a lot of change. Many jobs have been lost, and in 2020 32 million more people across the world were pushed into extreme poverty. The impact of covid on humanity is still evident today. Though the travel industry in the western world has begun to see positive changes, there are still great losses happening in other countries like Indonesia, The Caribbean, India, Africa, and many other loved destinations that rely on the tourism industry on an individual level.

On World Tourism Day 2021 we are focusing on celebrating the individuals, companies, destinations, and communities that have been impacted by the pandemic. The core message the UNWTO are putting forward of “Leave No One Behind” in following the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is one we can all take forward into everything we do as an industry as it begins to grow again. Ensuring that growth is to the benefit of the entire industry and the people that make it what it is. Through this, we are supporting each other and working together for more sustainable and more socially inclusive travel around the world.

Though it is only 1 day among 365, World Tourism Day is such an important moment to take to support and celebrate the contributions tourism brings to the world, and we can inspire each other to work for better travel all around the globe.

Tourism as a whole brings so much to the lives of everyone across the world, not just those that work and breathe tourism, but each individual as part of a social and curious humanity. From seeing and understanding different cultures, people, and societies, to the fantastic pleasures of the world we can share with each other. Tourism lets us connect with nature and each other in equal measure, and enriches so many lives, inspiring us to “leave no one behind” and be not just people, but a community.

The reignition of tourism will aid recovery and growth and it is essential that it is enjoyed and shared fairly so no one is left behind as we celebrate our fantastic world and look to the future.

If you want to learn more about this fantastic day of tourism celebration, you can find out all the details on the UNWTO page.

And Happy World Tourism Day from all the PTS team! Tourism and travel mean so much to us and all of our members, and we are thrilled to be able to take this take to celebrate and support the rest of the industry and share our passion for travel with the world.