Travel Reports

Younger Generations Leading Holiday Bookings in 2023

March 24th 2023
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New statistics have been released this week showing that while over 50% of British travellers plan to make 3+ holiday bookings this year, the younger generations are the most likely to take more trips than they did in 2022.  

A survey was run by American Express following the global travel trends of 2022 and 2023. This was mainly tracking the changes in travel habits for travellers between the two years, showing a great leap in trends from the pandemic years. This travel report shows that those who were born between 1981 and 2012 are the most likely generations to fulfil more holiday bookings in 2023 than in previous years. This huge trend of younger generations taking more holidays is suspected to have a huge impact on the travel industry.  

Travellers born between 1997 and 2012 (commonly referred to as Generation Z) were deemed the most likely generation to choose international and domestic trips between 1 and 3 days, while those born between 1946 and 1964 (commonly referred to as Baby Boomers) were reportedly more likely to choose a holiday booking of 10+ days. 

Those born as part of Generation Z saw results of 54% looking to make more holiday bookings than in 2022. Following this, those born between 1981 and 1996 (commonly referred to as Millennials) showed 43% looking to go away more. Travellers that are a part of the Baby Boomer generation were only 38% likely to book more holidays this year, and those born between 1965 and 1980 (commonly referred to as Generation X) were only 36% likely to make more holiday bookings in 2023.  

According to the statistics, Generation Z and Millennials were revealed as the most likely generations to book a domestic holiday in 2023 at 38% and 34% respectively. Generation Z also displayed a trend of making holiday bookings later, with only a month or less until the date of the booking. This statistic came in at 14% compared to the 8% that other generations displayed during the survey.  

These trends alone show us the ever-evolving landscape of travel in 2023, with these consumers potentially taking the lead and pushing for changes in the travel industry that will cater further to the needs of these consumers. Alongside this, the survey also displayed that many British travellers are now looking to social media for any travel tips and advice ready for their holiday bookings this year. 35% of respondents to this question were Generation Z and 26% were Millennials, who also used social media for holiday inspiration.  

In comparison, those in the Baby Boomer generation were 43% more likely to use TV shows for holiday inspiration. Among the remaining generations, the consensus was to look to friends and family for recommendations on holiday destinations. Despite this, 34% of respondents to the survey stated that they would want to travel to a destination that they can show off on social media, with a 51% stat among Generation Z. 

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